Hi, my name is Nicolas. I love to read! The reason I love to read is because stories take me on adventures. I write about my self and other people. My stories will happen everywhere such as Boston and when I imagine. These are my stories, I hope you enjoy them!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

One gloomy day...

One gloomy day, I was in my house playing video games, and I went in my bedroom upstairs. There I saw my sister and she was sad. I asked her, "What is the matter?"  Emma said "I can't find my blue Thomas toy".  "OK! I will look for it", I responded. I searched the whole upstairs and I could not find it either. Then, I found a map. I thought the map would lead me to the toy.  I followed the map and entered the living room. I did not find Emma's toy there. I searched the kitchen, the bathroom, the guest room, the pantry and the entrance. I did not find Emma's toy. I looked carefully at the map and it lead me outside into the garage. I look really good in the garage and I found another piece of map that lead me to the basement. After checking the basement, I found the blue Thomas toy in the dryer. My mom washed it because it was dirty!! I found Emma's blue Thomas toy and that is my story in a gloomy day!

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