Hi, my name is Nicolas. I love to read! The reason I love to read is because stories take me on adventures. I write about my self and other people. My stories will happen everywhere such as Boston and when I imagine. These are my stories, I hope you enjoy them!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I play travel soccer.  The name of my team is United. On Columbus day weekend, we played the Harvest Cup Tournament.  We played 5 games, won 4, and took 2nd place.

Our team played a total of 5 games in a row. Sean and Dylan were our goalies and they did an amazing job in protecting our net. Liam plays offense and he was the top scorer on our team. He was very tough on the field and was always running as fast as he could to get to the ball. During this tournament, I played offence and ran a lot. We have three girls in our team and they can be really tough and run hard.
We won 4 games out of 5. We won a game by scoring 6 goals. Some of the teams we played against were really good and the games were tough. Other teams were not so good, and the games were a little bit easier. There was a team who fought very physically against us and that was really a hard game. I got pushed by one of the other team player, but I fought back because I did not want to lose the ball.

We tried our hardest to win the championship but we didn't. Our opponents in the final had more energy and more stamina than us. They scored 5 times and we scored only 1. We won 2nd place. Our team had a great support group in our parents. There were loud, very loud and they were always cheering us on. The parents organized a tent with food and refreshments of us in between games, and all my teammates loves the cut oranges, especially Catherine: she could not get enough of them!!
I felt happy because we all got trophies and I got a picture of myself holding the 2nd place cup of the Harvest Cup Tournament, organized by the Washingtonville Soccer Club. 

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